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Umeed Jawan

Program Objective: To develop activities and promote opportunities for youth in Southern Punjab that provide an alternative to/reduce the appeal of joining violent groups

Umeed Jawan program aims to provide new avenues for the youth of South Punjab to equip them all required skills and educational opportunities to bridge the skills gap, so they may explore the better opportunities and act as a peace ambassador in their respective vicinities.

Overall Approach: Umeed Jawan’s overall approach is to bolster efforts by government, civil society organizations, and/or the private sector to counter and outweigh the influence that violent groups have on youth and communities in Punjab

DCHD and Umeed Jawan have partnered  for a yearlong project where 600 students from colleges and universities will be trained in critical thinking, human rights values, conflict diagnosis and management. DCHD will train students in a series of three 3-day workshops spread throughout the academic year (2014-2015).

The project aim to counter the growing threat of extremism by creating a 600 strong force of youth working to mitigate conflict, and critically analyse their choices in life.